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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Composts - Are They All Created Equal?

At first glance, this may seem like a silly question. You might be thinking, “Any waste that sits in a pile long enough will decay and turn to compost”. Yes, but what kind of compost? Will it be nutrient rich humus or just a damp mess of debris. What goes into the pile and how well it's maintained will determine the quality of the finished product. Reputable compost manufacturers know the best way to insure a quality product is to put it to the test!

How can I be sure the compost I buy is safe for my lawn and garden? When purchasing compost it’s important to look for the US Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) label. Only composts that have passed strict testing by approved labs may wear this label.

What is STA?
It’s a compost testing, labeling and information disclosure program designed to give you the information you need to get the maximum benefit from the use of compost. The program was created in 2000 and has the approval of many of the leading compost research scientists in the United States. STA is the only compost testing program available to compost producers or compost buyers that provides this kind of information.

How does the STA program work?
All participating manufacturers or marketers regularly sample and test their compost products based on production volumes, or as otherwise prescribed by the STA program administrators.
Participants will complete test analyses for the required compost properties. Also, any and all testing required by applicable State and/or Federal regulation (e.g., pathogens, heavy metals, pesticides, inerts, etc.) to assure public health/safety and environmental protection must be completed.

All lab analyses are conducted at ‘approved laboratories’ which have certified that they are capable of performing the test methods specified in the Program Rules. The Participants, or their compost testing lab, will provide the appropriate lab analyses results (and updated Compost Technical Data Sheet) to the USCC. Test results are available to any person, upon request, using the STA Program’s “Compost Technical Data Sheet”. The Compost Technical Data Sheet includes directions for product use, a list of product ingredients and analytical test results.
A Participant’s composting facility must certify that it is in compliance with all applicable government regulations and it must remain compliant to remain in the STA Program.

STA Certification
The USCC will certify an applicant’s compost product when the specified criteria are met. Only then will the STA label be awarded, assuring the compost buyer a quality product. When buying compost in bulk, be sure to ask the sales person if the compost is STA certified.

Harvest Blend Compost is proud to wear the STA label, providing you with the highest quality compost products for your residential, agriculture and commercial needs (Cal Trans approved!). Check out our website, for more info. Naturally!

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